Search results

  1. Atrax

    Lost My Chem Equipment Once Again

    In-Game name: Angello Washington Steam name:Atrax Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:114812097 Date and time of loss:4:47 What happened:Game Crashed 2 Times How much do you need refunded:Either the fridge the flask holder and the bunsen burner or 25000 Evidence Before:
  2. Atrax

    1st Ban Appeal

    Tell me when i have to give you info why i want to get unbanned and yes sorry i will not ever do this again.
  3. Atrax

    1st Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name:Atrax Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:114812097 Your Character Name:Angello Washington Ban Length:1 day (Now 8 hours and 45 minutes) Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member)@Tyler Ban Reason:Left to avoid the death timer Time of Occurrence:3:27 yesterday Relevant...
  4. Atrax

    I lost my LSD Equipment

    In-Game name: Angello Washington Steam name:Atrax Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:114812097 Date and time of loss:8:29 1/1/18 What happened:Game crashed How much do you need refunded: 25000 Evidence: