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  1. VortexYikes

    Selling guns fast

    I'll Buy all 8 Honeys for a bulk price of 144k, If they all have attachments I may pay more. Tell me what you think regarding this offer.
  2. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order will be delayed for a little bit since am out of town, if you want to cancel the order because of this then fill free unless u like the wait.
  3. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order COMPLETED, message me in-game when you see me! - Franklin McMolly
  4. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order DECLINED, that's just to aids of a order and would take a lot of time,If you would like the decrease the order then do so and I might consider it.
  5. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order COMPLETED, message me in-game for your order! - Franklin McMolly!
  6. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order COMPLETED, message me in-game for your order! - Franklin McMolly!
  7. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order ACCEPTED, Message you when done!
  8. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order ACCEPTED, Sorry for the late replies, I'll message you on the forums when done!
  9. VortexYikes

    Chunks gone

    In-Game Name: Franklin McMolly Steam Name: VortexYikes SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77425366 Date and time of loss: 7:38pm (BST) What happened: Took stuff out the mono market but had a full inventory and lost 10 stacks of coal chunks What do you need refunded: 10 Stacks of coal chunks. Evidence:
  10. VortexYikes

    Video Speaks For It's Self

    Literally though out the whole video he says the N word, plus he talks about ddosing player and rdming everyone. That's basically all that is in that video.
  11. VortexYikes

    Video Speaks For It's Self

    Your Steam Name:VortexYikes Your Steam ID:STEAM_1:1:77425366 Your Character Name: Franklin McMolly Target Steam Name: SwissBank Target SteamID: STEAM_1:0:56765862 Target Character Name (if known): N/A Request reason: Let the video speak for itself. When did the situation occur?: Yestarday...
  12. VortexYikes

    Got VDM'D

    In-Game Name: Franklin McMolly Steam Name: VortexYikes SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77425366 Date and time of loss: 10-11pm (BST) What happened: Was casually chilling with my friend next to a locker about to do a trade and then some guy spoke to us a ran to a cop car and proceeded to vdm us I died lost...
  13. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    Order ACCEPTED, I'll message you when order is done also what premium membership would you like!
  14. VortexYikes

    Server having issue with withdrawing from monomarket.

    I did have enough item space but it just decided to not work atall and it was coal ore and titanium ore
  15. VortexYikes

    Server having issue with withdrawing from monomarket.

    A description of your technical issue: Basically I have items in the mono market that I would like to with draw and it just comes up with a message saying failed to collect order Has it happened before?: Yes Extraneous details/description: N/A
  16. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

    I kind of forgot that silverballers have been removed so are there any other weapons you need
  17. VortexYikes

    Franklin McMolly's Store!

  18. VortexYikes

    Gold Chunks Loss

    In-Game Name: Franklin Mcmolly Steam Name: VortexYikes SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77425366 Date and time of loss: 2:25 PM (BST) What happened: Was taking my chunks out the mono market and I had nowhere near enough space in my inventory and didnt know it would take it all out and I basically got 288...
  19. VortexYikes

    Millers Mining Market V3

    RP Name: Franklin McMolly Steam Name: VortexYikes Which Chunk(s): Coal, Copper, Iron Amount of Chunks: Coal x20 , Copper x20 , Iron x15 Reason: Weaponry
  20. VortexYikes

    Apex Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: -VTX- Your Steam ID: 76561198115116461 Your Character Name: Franklin McMolly Ban Length: 4 Weeks Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Rexzyy Ban Reason: Advertising Selling Money Time of Occurrence: Unsure as i got banned when i was offline. Relevant...