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  1. Egg


    Joe pretty much explained what happened. I did not know that you were under NLR. If anything, you should be the one to get punished. I had reasonings to kill you, unlike what you did to me later on. "That's what you fucking get for rdming me, bitch" - Dixie Santos
  2. Egg

    Blacklist Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Egg Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143309480 / 76561198246884688 Your Character Name: Adom Alonso Which Staff blacklisted you: @John Leonard What were you blacklisted from: Weapons Blacklist Length: 8 days Blacklist Reason: Corruption | Attempted RDM Unblacklist Reason: I have...
  3. Egg

    Security Guard Corruption

    Hi, At first, I thought the police officers were shooting at me, but I now realize it was ricochet bullets coming towards me. I fully apologize for ruining your roleplay experience.
  4. Egg

    Player Report - 76561198991718139

    Your Steam Name: Egg Your SteamID: 76561198246884688 Your Character Name: Adom Alonso Target Steam Name: haydosd Target SteamID: 76561198991718139 Target Character Name (if known): Dossy Dee Request Reason: Mugging in public | RDM | Combat Deposit When did the situation occur?: 7:05pm PST Your...