Search results

  1. CrackNweeD

    Michael Smith FragTage

  2. CrackNweeD

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Michael Smith Steam Name: CrackNweeD SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99481518 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 10/26/2021 EDT What happened: Combat Depot What do you need refunded: 1x Mp7 , 4x small first aid kits , 1x kevlar and helm. Evidence: @The_Ghost Read, understood and...
  3. CrackNweeD

    Tye Shaw Fragtage V4

  4. CrackNweeD

    Fluxtage #2

    My guy calling hacks on a jump scare...... either way nice fragtage
  5. CrackNweeD

    GameCountry/Crown Ave 2# bugged

    The lone wolf steak house seems to have the same bugg
  6. CrackNweeD

    GameCountry/Crown Ave 2# bugged

    Myself and others including a moderator are unable to rent the property.
  7. CrackNweeD

    Cheating PR

    That's a very logical explanation that I didn't think of before making this player report. From my point of view, it seemed like you knew exactly where I was and where to aim (which I understand now was third person) the quickness of my death could have been some sort of desync idk and idc...
  8. CrackNweeD

    Cheating PR

    Your Steam Name: CrackNweeD Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99481518 Your Character Name: Michael Smith Target Steam Name: sweatervest Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:193051131 Target Character Name (if known): Flux Rose Request Reason: Cheating, Esp When did the situation occur?: 7:32 am EDT 8/22/2021 Your...
  9. CrackNweeD


    Ingame name: Michael Smith / STEAM_0:1:99481518 Bank & Skill SS: Garage SS:
  10. CrackNweeD

    Raiders - Back in Business

    Screenshots: Previous Orgs: None Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for an organization that has displayed competence and focuses on Pvp. Your steam name: CrackNweeD, STEAM_0:1:99481518 Ingame Name: Michael Smith