Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
What were you blacklisted from: Weapons
Which Staff blacklisted you: @tone
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: "RDM"
Unblacklist Reason: i killed a mod for...
Steam Name: Heisen Burg
SteamID: 76561198194359686
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
What were you blacklisted from: Weapons
Which Staff blacklisted you: @Supreme
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: rdm
Unblacklist Reason: i rdmed a corrupt cop
Time of Occurrence: 4:30 am...
Banning Staff Member (@Admin): i am not sure who did this
Ban Reason: MASSRDM
Unban Reason: I mass rdm'ed cuz i needed a break from monolith and idk ive spent a lot of time on mono but you guys sure you want me and huey to never play mono again? we made the server fun. you guys should definetly...
Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID: 76561198194359686
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
Which Staff blacklisted you: PMX
What were you blacklisted from: Vehicles
Blacklist Length: 2 days
Blacklist Reason: I ran over a group of people during a bank raid
Unblacklist Reason: It was my...
Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from
Your Character Name:Heisen Burg
Ban Length:1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): hatchet tazz
Ban Reason: racism
Unban Reason: we were all the up at prison with me and...
Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:117046979
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
Target Steam Name: jColborn
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:445364752
Target Character Name (if known): Jimmy Jimson
Request Reason: Failure to value hostage life, not attempting to negotiate and...
Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID: 76561198194359686
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
Which Staff issued the Warning Point: @Jacub
Reason for the warning point(s): Racism and staff diss
Why should the point(s) be removed: He's stalking me in noclip just following me around im talking...
Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your Steam ID: 76561198194359686
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Heisen Burg
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name)
Reason for Report: Player targeting, he was all butthurt and emotional that he got capped by my boys and I when he was...
Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Jacub
Ban Reason: Continuous staff diss.
Unban Reason: I asked a question in OOC...
Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561198194359686
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
Ban Length: 1 week
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Mr. Alex
Ban Reason: Player report accepted
Unban Reason: I understand the reason...
Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg
Your SteamID:76561198194359686
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg
Target Steam Name:n/a
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:448371023
Target Character Name (if known): John Bill
Target Steam Name: n/a
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:455989308
Target Character Name: Curtis Hanns...
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