Search results

  1. Heisen Burg

    Ban appeal

    Steam Name: Heisen Burg Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Ban Length: 2 days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): SCOTTISH Ban Reason: Fail rp x2 Unban Reason: I had already made a report for racism...
  2. Heisen Burg

    PR Multiple

    Bro I already made this whole report I already posted the whole video. Balldrip gave me a warning point for killing someone for insulting me but he kept being mad racist and that shit got me mad. I just wanted to give my input.
  3. Heisen Burg

    Big PR

    Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg Your SteamID: 76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Target Steam Name: n/a Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56135207 Target Character Name (if known): N/A Request Reason: Extreme racism, someone also had told me he was making george floyd jokes and being...
  4. Heisen Burg

    Player Report

    It was a meant as a joke, we never stole anything. You didnt lose anything and we were never actually going to steal anything, it just seemed like why not go along with it since there was nothing going on and it seemed like something fun to do. We never harmed you in any form or fashion. It...
  5. Heisen Burg

    Player Report

    First of all you were already code red before you entered PD garage and when you did you yelled "put your hands up" were you expecting not to get shot? Second of all I wasn't a detective my game was bugged and I spawned in with a baton and taser and handcuffs for some reason so I decided to use...
  6. Heisen Burg


    Your Steam Name: heisen burg Your SteamID:76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Which Staff blacklisted you: Mr. Alex What were you blacklisted from: Weapons Blacklist Length: 2 days Blacklist Reason: ion even kno but like shit was a big misunderstanding feel me i had ta shoot...
  7. Heisen Burg


    Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg Your SteamID: 76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Which Staff blacklisted you: ja1003 What were you blacklisted from: Voice Blacklist Blacklist Length: 1 day Blacklist Reason: micspam Unblacklist Reason: I was a hostage and i kept saying in mic and...
  8. Heisen Burg


    I want to join GS9
  9. Heisen Burg


    Your Steam Name: Heisen Burg Your SteamID: 76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Target Steam Name: Unknown (im not sure) Target SteamID: dont have it it was from long distance but if you can check logs Target Character Name (if known): unknown Request Reason: Possible aimbot or...
  10. Heisen Burg


    In-Game Name: Heisen Burg Steam Name: Heisen Burg SteamID: 76561198194359686 Date and time of loss: Not sure of exact time but today May 8, 2020 What happened: I purchased an $85,000 balaclava and I did not know I'd lose it after relogging What do you need refunded: It'd be great if I can have...
  11. Heisen Burg

    Cheating Report

    I wasnt even looking at that guy the bullet had to have miraculously ricochet
  12. Heisen Burg

    Cheating Report

    Nah, I didnt have my recorder on at the time. But idk why id be cheating and idk why my supposed cheats would aim for someone who isnt my target. But im happy to procceed with this player report because I know i wasn't cheating. I dont know your boy nor was I trying to kill. Im not going back...
  13. Heisen Burg

    Cheating Report

    I promise you I dont know how he died. I didnt even recall ever killing him. Why would I be cheating, second why would I have a cheat that would kill someone other than my target? It does not make sense how he died it must have been a glitch or something, but there's no way Im cheating or I...
  14. Heisen Burg

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: Heisen Burg Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Ban Length: 1 day Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Console Ban Reason: Disconnecting During RP situation Unban Reason: I know console...
  15. Heisen Burg

    Ban Appeal

    Also, when you had spawned into me at the police station when I was cuffed thats when I had physically told you, that he called me the N word and thats why I punched him. I was trying to have you bring me up to an admin sit so I could show you, I wasnt trying to be annoying or tried lying to...
  16. Heisen Burg

    Staff Report

    Your Steam Name: Heartless Your Steam ID: 76561198194359686 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Heisen Burg Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @friskiemar^ Reason for Report: He banned me for two days for missuse of report system and missuse of ooc when he already...
  17. Heisen Burg

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: Heartless Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Ban Length: 2 Days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): friskiemar^ Ban Reason: missuse of report system, missuse of ooc Unban Reason: It...
  18. Heisen Burg

    Show Your Face

    u you look mean
  19. Heisen Burg

    How do I apply?

    Want to become part of staff. How may I apply?
  20. Heisen Burg

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: Heartless Your SteamID: 76561198194359686 Your Character Name: Heisen Burg Ban Length: 1 Day Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @AdminName: Console Ban Reason: Disconnecting during RP situation Unban Reason: I honestly am not sure why I got banned. I had...