Price List
All guns come with a free sight of choice, any other attachment (AN/PEQ-15, SAKER Suppressor etc.) are for 1,000 per
TAC .338
You said you were going to, and judging by your determination to hunt me down across the entire map because I PM'd you that I'm finishing an order of 45 M4s just to get a couple makes me not doubt that you would do this for a second
Raid me all you want, the problem starts when you raid just to kidnap me for 30 minutes for something that I didn't even do, and then get your homies to raid me so you can loophole the raid timer. That's when the problem arises. I'm no role model, not quite sure where I said that, and what...
Your 150 ping is not an excuse, I play on 175 constantly and it's not an issue lmao. You also drive the slowest car in the game, the Volvo, which means you get more than enough reaction time. I was on the grass side of the road, there was no sidewalk, which the video clearly shows. You should've...
Nobody annoyed you, you yourself admitted you're only kidnapping us because of Bre. She herself told me to put this in the report, so clearly she isn't comfortable with the way you type to her. Successfully defending a base raid is not annoying anyone lmao.
Your Steam Name: LayZey
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28258250
Target Steam Name: Gooby
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:146713272
Target Character Name (if known): King Reklez
Request Reason: Harassment
When did the situation occur?: 13:00-14:20 Sunday, Eastern Time
Your evidence to...
wtf kind of mugging is this lmao
"do not speak or move"
"drop your guns"
If he drops his guns = He moves = Death
If he doesn't have a gun and doesn't do anything = Death
If he doesn't have a gun and communicates that = Death
what kind of loophole is this lmao
Hi, unfortunately I don't have the video as it was edited to make it smaller for Youtube to process quicker so Michael would be punished quicker as I was speaking with DK through discord and I had to link it to him ASAP
In-Game Name: Tyler Walker
Steam Name: LayZey
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:99270568
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): Around 8:45 AM GMT+1 (3:45 AM EST)
What happened: I lost half of my stuff to a prop pusher, got told by @Cozy to post here and include the sit as evidence
What do you need...
Hi, The first clip is in the Penthouse which is where I crashed and then was later moved to a different roof where I was accused of leaving. I don't know who wrote the apartment number, but I assume they got it wrong. Crashes can be client-side, which is why I didn't get my stuff refunded by...
Your Steam Name: LayZey
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28258250
Your Character Name: Tyler Walker
Which Staff issued the Warning Point: @Cozy
Reason for the warning point(s): Left to avoid RP
Why should the point(s) be removed: I did not leave. I crashed (), which is what I tried to explain to Cozy...
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