Steam Name: Torky_JO
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
RP Name: Justin Hernandez
Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): 4am ish 4/1/2024
What happened: i had bought the radio controller to listen to music, i was told the function for it was removed so i basically bought it for...
Your Steam Name: Torky_JO
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Target Steam Name: Zsasz
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183802954
Target Character Name (if known): Savator Zsasz
Request Reason: Physgun Abuse
When did the situation occur?: Around 4am 4/1/2024.
Your evidence to support...
In-Game Name: Justin Hernandez
Steam Name: Torky_JO
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 10:30pm (estimate) 11/11/22
What happened: i was caught in crossfire during a shootout, i was not involved.
What do you need refunded: g36c, kevlar, possibly a...
In-Game Name: Justin Hernandez
Steam Name: Torky_JO
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 9:51pm MDT
What happened: i was depoing some refunds i had gotten earlier, i heard gunshots and explosions so i go to check, equip and put it away and get killed...
In-Game Name: Justin Hernandez
Steam Name: Torky_JO
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 9pm 11/3/22
What happened: i was randomly rdmed by another player and they took my stuff and dumped it
What do you need refunded: 1x zipties, 3x lockpick, 1x holster...
Steam Name: Torky_JO
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Character Name: Justin Hernandez
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Console (something)
Ban Reason: LTAA
Unban Reason: Hello, so you may know of the...
A description of your technical issue: ive been having issues joining the server after a year and a half, im having a problem with my screen getting stuck on lua started even though the game is loaded and im able to press buttons without seeing them and hear the start screen with the music. it...
Steam Name: Torky_JO
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Discord-Tag: TorkyJO#0721
Ban Length: Permanent.
Ban Reason: i cannot remember, but i was banned around a year and a half ago. and then it lead to discord for some reason.
Unban Reason: I would like to be unbanned so i can communicate...
Steam Name: Torky_JO
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Discord-Tag: TorkyJO#0721
Ban Length: Perm.
Ban Reason: Honestly i cannot remember, but i was banned a year ago ish for prop pushing. and then it lead to the discord for some reason.
Unban Reason: I would like to be unbanned so i can...
Steam Name:Torky_J
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Character Name: Justin Hernandez
Ban Length: 5 months
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Balldrip
Ban Reason: mass prop push ltap nitrp
Unban Reason: i was banned cause...
Steam Name:Torky_J
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Character Name: Justin Hernandez
Ban Length: 5 months
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Balldrip
Ban Reason: mass prop push ltap nitrp
Unban Reason: ok i understand...
Steam Name:Torky_J
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Character Name: Justin Hernandez
Ban Length: 5 months
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Balldrip
Ban Reason: mass prop push ltap nitrp
Unban Reason: ok i understand...
n-game name - Justin Hernandez
Skills screen shots -
What do you do to earn money - I am a Part time police officer
Do you have guns & money? (provide bank screen shots) - yes Do you have a mic? - yes
Who do you know in our family? - crystal pearl (true friend
[Justin Hernandez] [...
Steam name (current and previous): Torky_J
RP name (current and previous): Justin Hernandez
Organization memberships (current and previous):N/A
Which do you prefer doing; raiding or defending?: I do both and am very good at it
Are you willing to put in work to supply fellow crew members...
In-Game Name: Justin Hernandez
SteamID: STEAM_1:0:543405493
Photos of skills and bank: N/A sorry I cant do screenshots on my computer but i have 15k and a Volvo hatchback farming level 5
Do you understand if you break the rules you will be reprimanded?:Yes i understand
A description of your technical issue: when ever i try to load into the game it gets stuck on initilizing help
Has it happened before?:no i have two computers and the other one doesnt do this
Extraneous details/description:N.A.
Have you checked “solved” for your issue?: no i haved
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