In-Game name: John Kong
Steam name: twinkletoes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40967528
Date and time of loss: 7/14 10:00Pm Crash due to constant car explosion glitch on server 1
What happened: My organization and i was doing a massive weed operation with 30 pots. All the weed was ready for harvest when...
Haha ok. At least it wasn't so much of an inconvenience on my part. Thanks for being available. And yeah i made sure that i was no longer in a police pursuit and they could only identify my vehicle and not my person. I intended to come back to the game but got distracted. Thanks for the quick unban
Your Steam Name: twinkletoes
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40967528
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Todd StJohn
Ban Length: 1 week
Admin who banned you: @Lola Meid
Ban Reason: evading admin sit and abusing reports
Time of Occurrence: 9:30 EST
Relevant Evidence: I'm not really understanding...
My apologies, i was not aware of that. Rule 1-7 states:
The usage of any kind of anti-AFK script or remote control software is not tolerated. This excludes +attack. Using some form of AI to do things such as farming, mining etc. will not be allowed, you can use +attack as long as you're present...
Your Steam Name: twinketoes
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40967528
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Todd StJohn
Ban Length: 24h
Admin who banned you: @Perry
Ban Reason: +attack while afk
Time of Occurrence: 3:40 7/1
Relevant Evidence: Yeah so i was banned for mining while afk, except i wasn't...
Your Steam Name: twinketoes
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40967528
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Todd StJohn
Which Admin blacklisted you: I believe @WhiteWolf
What job(s) were you blacklisted from: Security Guard
Blacklist Reason: failrp
Time of Occurrence: some time ago, maybe a week...
That is the case. Uri broke into my home. Then proceeded to ziptie me and do an admin search to reveal what was in my inventory. Then demanded i drop several(more than 2 of each) stacks of copper bars, iron bars, and my metalworking table. I dropped 1 stack of copper and used the time that both...
The inconsistency is glaring. Even if your friend was pointing his gun at me (which i dispute), you already admitted that your reason for banning me isn't wholly truthful because you were not aiming at me when i ran away
How can we trust that you aren't completely lying when you say your friend...
Will you address how you knew i had copper in my inventory to begin with? You claim to have searched me, which is not possible with zipties
Also, your friend was distracted by the copper as well, he was not behind me when i dropped it.
Actually i ran when you were not pointing your guns at me. You were too busy trying to grab the copper you made me drop and i used that exact moment when your guns were not aimed at me to try to escape.. Why did you break rp by dragging me back instead of pointing your gun at me and demanding i...
Your Steam Name: twinketoes
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40967528
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Todd StJohn
Ban Length: 24h
Admin who banned you: Uri Giovanni
Ban Reason: FailRP
Time of Occurrence: 10:50 AM 6/29
Relevant Evidence: Uri and his friend (forgot his name) broke into my home in...
You may not draw any weapon or run away when someone has you at gunpoint or in striking distance of a melee weapon unless the RP of both parties allows otherwise.
at gunpoint
— used to describe a situation in which someone is being threatened by a person with a gun
Turning towards the ground...
Your Steam Name: twinkletoes
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40967528
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Todd StJohn
Rule-breacher Steam Name: DLTracktix
Rule-breacher SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126612168
Rule-breacher Character Name (If Applicable): David Resonov
Reason for Request: FailRP
Time of...
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