Yeah have some common sense to the fact that I can talk to people on discord
Not just be like oh he's on discord he's clearly meta-gaming that's the only thing people use discord for
the guy on the call is new to the server and I was introducing him to certain rules and stuff while on. I also was venting to him about how I got killed by the cops roadblock and started calling the whole police force a bunch of morons too.
Talking to someone and not engaging with them is ok. You are taking discord out of context.
Tell me where I broke this rule.
When playing on the server, our Discord is the only allowed third-party program for communication - crews get their own channel only accessible to their members. It is...
[2.3] Metagaming/Powergaming
Metagaming is not allowed. Any kind of information you gain via OOC may not be used IC. Any IC information may not be provided in OOC.
This excludes helping out -new- players in OOC asking specific questions for their start.
Knowledge you gain from the Realtor...
There was no sign to say that the speed limit had changed and you abused your powers to not let me not prove my point or talk to the chief of police or even get a lawyer. Next time you shouldn't jump on your own agenda that I attempted fellony assault on a police officer. This server isn't hey...
Ban Request Format
Your Steam Name: Jeff
Your Steam ID: procrastinator012
Your Character Name: Jeff Lactid
Target Steam Name: Director Smith
Target SteamID: Not Sure
Target Character Name (if known): Lt. Smith
Request reason:
When did the situation occur?: 8/30/28 9PM
Your evidence to support...
I am able to express some of this understanding of these rules. I'm sorry running the people over with my car I will not do it again. Unless they run into the middle of the road.
Your Steam Name: Jeff |
Your Steam ID: Procrastinator012
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Jeff Lactid
Ban Length: 1 Week
Admin who banned you: Moon
Ban Reason: Intentional VDM
Time of Occurrence: 11 pm Eastern 6/28/2017
Relevant Evidence: I am driving through an intersection...
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