Search results

  1. thagamz

    Player report

    my steam name: thagamz my steam id: STEAM_0:0:95127596 my character name: gamzy fshemek target steam name: V roosie Target steam id: STEAM_0:1:123591116 target character name: Vincent Roosevelt request reason(s) Time of occurrance: 1st december 2017. near 22-23pm. my...
  2. thagamz

    Refund request

    In-game name: Gamzy Fshemek steam name: Thagamz Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95127596 Date: 1st december, 2017. time: 1540-1600 not exactly sure. ¨How much i need refunded: $21470 what happened: randomly starter burning when i was making LSD,noone has broken into my house. the doors...
  3. thagamz

    Gamzy Fshemek Ban appeal monolith rp 2017-11-26 (redone with proper format)

    steam name: Thagamz Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95127596 character name: Gamzy Fshemek Length of ban: 4 days. banning admin: kocayine ban reason: FailRP, FearRP and "admin disrespect" time of occurrence: 2017, 26th november (writing in words because someone might read in different format and...
  4. thagamz

    Gamzy Fshemek Ban appeal monolith rp 2017-11-26

    So, i have been banned on monolith for "admin disrespect" wich i truly disagree, but failrp and fearrp wich i do agree on me breaking the rules, but i was telling 2 people in the discord im currently in to "shut up" because i couldnt hear the admin that was talking to me. i tabbed out and muted...
  5. thagamz

    ban appeal

    STEAM_0:0:95127596 is my steam id apparently
  6. thagamz

    ban appeal

    steam name: Viktor Lutze steam ID/custom link: on server character name: gamzy fshemek Ban Length: 3 days Racism, "LTARP" time off occurance: unsure, but ca 2017-09-09 midnight +/- yeah hi, i was banned because i called someone a...