Search results

  1. MajoraPLZ

    Citizen reminder: inaction is conspiracy, report counter behavior to a civil protection team...

    Citizen reminder: inaction is conspiracy, report counter behavior to a civil protection team immediately.
  2. MajoraPLZ

    Von Ballin Arms

    I can accept this order, and I will be able to get the weapons to you in around 48 hours. I am working on one order before you, and then will be ready to get to you. I will contact you with details! I can accept this order, as I said in the previous I am working on another order so expect your...
  3. MajoraPLZ

    Von Ballin Arms

    Yours will take extended time for sure, as I will need to collect a lot of resources. I will begin working on this one at a later date, expect 48+ hours unfortunately. @HolyHandGrenade Your order is ready and will be available to you when we meet. This order will take around 24 hours, I will...
  4. MajoraPLZ

    Von Ballin Arms

    I can easily accept this order. As we discussed it will be broken into two parts, currently I will be getting you those AUG with Eotech sights. $95,000. Once that is done we will go on to phase 2, and work on the M4 with Reflex. $145,000. Repeat business will be welcomed, after this order we...
  5. MajoraPLZ

    Von Ballin Arms

    CURRENT ORDERS 5x vector, 5x m4 carbine - Started @ 12/22/21 10x ACR - Started @ 12/22/21 PREVIOUS ORDERS 10x M4 Carbine - Completed, Delivered 10x UMP 45 - Completed, Delivered 5 AUG + Sight 10 M4 + Reflex - Completed, Delivered 10x Honey Badgers + Eotech + Foregrip - Completed, Pending...
  6. MajoraPLZ

    Von Ballin Arms

  7. MajoraPLZ

    Wilfred refund

    Oh my bad, I do not remember exactly which moderator it was They came to me in the morning around like 7 am and helped me out by giving me the players steam ID since they suggested I do a player report instead. I did not player report since It was not a big deal to me, since 10k is not a huge...
  8. MajoraPLZ

    Wilfred refund

    I should add, a moderator handled the situation and informed me I should player report the person. The moderator assured me I should make a request for a refund since I was clearly RDM.
  9. MajoraPLZ

    Wilfred refund

    In-Game Name: Wilford MacTavish Steam Name: MajoraPLZ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84642146 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): Like 11 PM EST What happened: I was arrested by some cops for having an AR15 but I had a license, though when I was let go a man stabbed me and they did nothing...
  10. MajoraPLZ

    Majora's Ban appeal (Crashed)

    Steam Name: Majoraa Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:84642146 Your Character Name: Wilford Mactavish Ban Length: 1 Day (automatic) Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Console Ban Reason: Leaving during RP scenario Unban Reason: I...
  11. MajoraPLZ

    Refund request via Misterlol29 & ParkerX

    In-Game Name: Wilford Mactavish Steam Name: Majoraa SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84642146 Date and time of loss: 2020-09-14 at h05m51s28 What happened: I was RDM in the bank and lost 2 items, one was a high tier item I can't even craft yet :O @misterlol29 & @parkerx handled a sit and gave me the thumbs...
  12. MajoraPLZ

    Majora's ban appeal & formal argument

    Steam Name: Majora Your SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:84642146 Your Character Name: Wilford Mactavish Ban Length: One Week Banning Staff Member: @SCOTTISH Ban Reason: Meta-gaming Fail Roleplay (Breaking Character) Erotic Roleplay Unban Reason: This situation is very interesting, let me first say...
  13. MajoraPLZ

    Corrupt Police and Mass RDM

    Your Steam Name: Majora Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84642146 Your Character Name: Wilford Mactavish Target Steam Name: NIghtcoreLover & Headshot Machine Target Steam Profile: & Target...
  14. MajoraPLZ

    Sam Wong/Tom Wong RDM

    You were trespassing first off. You had a weapon on your person second off. And lastly you were in a live fire situation, I was there. End of it
  15. MajoraPLZ

    Table, chair, and a whole lot of care

    Code: 1337 Format: Fat 32 In-Game name: Wilford MacTavish Steam name: ThatOneMajoraGuy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:84642146 Date and time of loss: 10/24/17 What happened: Spawned a metalworking table, cant pick it up cant craft. How much do you need refunded: Metalworking table Evidence: