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  1. Matt Jenkins

    Refund request

    @Clutch Master FTW Lost: 1 AK-47 1 Kevlar and Helmet
  2. Matt Jenkins

    Ideas for the Pine County PD

    +support Imagine the cool rp scenarios you could do in regards to jurisdiction of crimes and other police stuff
  3. Matt Jenkins


    in-game name - Matt Jenkins bank screenshot - Player Skills and Player Level- past organizations- Leader of the Black Hand why do you wanna join ABZ?- Got a few friends in it, really like you guys. Plus my own org really wasn't getting anywhere and I wanna base with some people. I've played...
  4. Matt Jenkins

    Miller's Mining Market

    RP Name: Matt Jenkins Steam Name: TheYamakaMan Which Ore/Ores: Coal Amount of Ores: 20 stacks Reason: makin bars for making things that go pew pew
  5. Matt Jenkins

    Jenkins' One Stop Gun Shop (WEEKLY SALES!)

    I'll try. Could take a while just sayin
  6. Matt Jenkins

    Jenkins' One Stop Gun Shop (WEEKLY SALES!)

    Got it. I just updated the post to only allow up to 10 guns but just this once I'll work on the whole thing for ya. You'll recieve a message when it is done.
  7. Matt Jenkins

    Jenkins' One Stop Gun Shop (WEEKLY SALES!)

    CLOSED Welcome to Matt Jenkins' One Stop Gun Shop! We're your number one stop for all your firearm needs! If you are in our organization (The Black Hand) you will receive a $1000 discount on EACH PRIMARY gun you order. Weekly Sales are marked in RED! (Orders can take up to 5 days to complete as...
  8. Matt Jenkins

    Lost Chemical Bottles in Cop RP situation

    In-Game Name: Matt Jenkins Steam Name: TheYamakaMan SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47834891 Date and time of loss: 12:00AM What happened: There was a large situation with me being arrested for "crossing the border" except the cop who searched me did not have a valid reason to. I spoke to an admin in a...
  9. Matt Jenkins

    The Black Hand

    The Black Hand We are the Black Hand. Originally formed as small gang with origins tracing back to Rockford, we have since evolved into an exclusive high-class syndicate. Our members consist of wealthy like-minded individuals with the common goal of cooperation and profit. We place the safety of...
  10. Matt Jenkins

    Refund Request due to Server Crash

    In-Game Name: Matt Jenkins Steam Name: TheYamakaMan SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47834891 Date and time of loss: 3/11/2019, about 8:30 What happened: Server crashed while me and my friend (Robert Browning) were cooking LSD. We lost our burners, stands, and 5 batches of lsd each. We don't have screenshots...
  11. Matt Jenkins

    Stuck in initializing screen

    I'm also getting this same response after waiting 5-10 minutes.