
  1. Hyper360


    In-Game Name: Jackson Schmidt Steam Name: Hyper SteamID: STEAM_0:1:417975487 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 01:10 GMT -2 What happened: Guy broke raid timer and killed me, with all my loot What do you need refunded: https://gyazo.com/34e7b04961f1ff4d819a2d550479d200 Evidence...
  2. Jalther10

    refund requests

    In-Game Name Dink foo Steam Name:Cartman SteamID:560813170 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 12/10/22 3:15am (EST) What happened: I went to get stuff to make coke from the contraband dealer and when i came out a guy in a raptor jumped out and shot me What do you need refunded: 10...
  3. Hyper360


    In-Game Name: Jackson Schmidt Steam Name: Hyper SteamID: STEAM_0:1:417975487 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 05:10 GMT -2 What happened: I was raiding / mugging a guy and he disconnected with all his loot What do you need refunded: 16 cocaine, 1 electric stove, 1 dirty cooking...
  4. Rick Rock

    Rick misunderstanding ban

    Steam Name: IronicYak07 Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from steamid.io): 76561198946010995 Your Character Name: Rick Rock Ban Length: 1 week 6 days 5 hours Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Brad Ban Reason: RDM Racism Harassment Unban Reason: I am...