1. Red

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Freddie Griffith Steam Name: ☢☠Jean☠☢ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52178126 Date and time of loss: 22/9/2018 Around 10 PM What happened: False Police Raid What do you need refunded: M1911 Pistol
  2. LosoLoaded

    Lawrence Starks - Ban appeal @spacedsloth

    Your Steam Name: SoilderKidd Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:104931280 Your Character Name: Lawrence Starks Ban Length: 10 Hours Banning Staff Member @Gamz Ban Reason: Received too many warning points (Verbally warned to stop driving on the "Wrong side of the road recklessly", so.. i drove backwards...
  3. Jack Clean

    Refund request = Deagle

    Format: In-Game Name: Jack Clean Steam Name: LiL BorNHolMeR SteamID: Date and time of loss: 5 august. 23.00 ish (Danish time) What happened: Me and my friend got shot and i was a fail communication, and my gun got minge grabbed i got in...