In-Game name: Rob Puggage
Steam name: CHiknJUice(main)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11101
Date and time of loss: 6/30/17 1:55 AM (eats coast)
What happened: A bag of 100 weed got stuck under the ground, even a mod saw it
How much do you need refunded: whatever a 100 bag of weed is worth, probably around 3k
Steam name: CHiknJUice(main)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11101
Date and time of loss: 6/30/17 1:55 AM (eats coast)
What happened: A bag of 100 weed got stuck under the ground, even a mod saw it
How much do you need refunded: whatever a 100 bag of weed is worth, probably around 3k