Steam Name -UpityDupity
In Game Name - Dupity
Skill levels and Character Level (screenshot) -
What will you offer to this organization - A dedicated platey, miner and fighter
Will you listen and do everything to protect higher ups - Yes.
Bank and Balance (screenshot) - (Just blew 15k in casino and on a volvo)
Previous Organizations - Rikers & Namikazes (Left Both)
Discord User (ex. Hi#1234) UpityDupity#6004
In Game Name - Dupity
Skill levels and Character Level (screenshot) -
What will you offer to this organization - A dedicated platey, miner and fighter
Will you listen and do everything to protect higher ups - Yes.
Bank and Balance (screenshot) - (Just blew 15k in casino and on a volvo)
Previous Organizations - Rikers & Namikazes (Left Both)
Discord User (ex. Hi#1234) UpityDupity#6004