In-Game name: Adam Life
Steam name: [FL:RP] Mr. Smiley
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54239451
Date and time of loss: 13/08/2017 01:8
What happened: So baisicly I tried to lockpick a car but then everything frozen. At first I thought the server crashed but after that I heard a car engine then I heard someone walk closer as I couldnt do anything I just relogged.
What do you need refunded: LockPick And Ziptie
Evidence: N/A
Steam name: [FL:RP] Mr. Smiley
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54239451
Date and time of loss: 13/08/2017 01:8
What happened: So baisicly I tried to lockpick a car but then everything frozen. At first I thought the server crashed but after that I heard a car engine then I heard someone walk closer as I couldnt do anything I just relogged.
What do you need refunded: LockPick And Ziptie
Evidence: N/A