- Joined:
- Jun 23, 2017
- Messages:
- 10
- Points:
- 12
Years of Mono
In-Game name: Aiden Hyatt
Steam name: AidenFMJ
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63477112
Date and time of loss: 7:21 pm 7/10/2017
What happened: The server crashed
How much do you need refunded:
X1 Metal working bench
X1 Smart TV
X9 Garden pot
X9 Weed seeds
Evidence https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....788/A90EDA6E617299FAC7FA0549C83AF5F6D63A4822/ The server did not respond and me and my friend could not move
Steam name: AidenFMJ
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63477112
Date and time of loss: 7:21 pm 7/10/2017
What happened: The server crashed
How much do you need refunded:
X1 Metal working bench
X1 Smart TV
X9 Garden pot
X9 Weed seeds
Evidence https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....788/A90EDA6E617299FAC7FA0549C83AF5F6D63A4822/ The server did not respond and me and my friend could not move