Steam Name: N3RO
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name: Andrew Jackson
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Onami
Ban Reason: Staff disrespect, Erp, not taking sit seriously, false corruption
Time of Occurrence: 01:06am GBP time
Relevant Evidence: Well at first I was Erping but they told me to stop i stopped then we were talking on how if the mayor is corrupt we kinda have to roleplay like we as too. Even tho there was no reports of us doing we still got in trouble and their adding Erp and not taking sit seriously so i could have a longer ban then false corruption staff disrespect how did i do that its really funny because before you get banned they suppost to tell you why you getting banned but not at this case they just banned us. they said we will get blacklisted from secret agency but they never said we getting banned. Their trying to make shit out so we would have longer ban time even 3days are way too harh for this bullshittery. If these admins keep doing this i don't see people coming back unless they actually understand why they got a ban but right at this moment this confuses me on why i got a ban and not a blacklist which they said they will. To be honest i respected them when they stop saying * i was jerking off i couldn't have rescued mayor from prison* they told me to stop and i did then when they started talking while i was talking i respectfully stopped even tho i was speaking they kind of disrespected me but well they think since they admins they have the power to do it so i didn't say nothing. so please do explain why i got banned.
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name: Andrew Jackson
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Onami
Ban Reason: Staff disrespect, Erp, not taking sit seriously, false corruption
Time of Occurrence: 01:06am GBP time
Relevant Evidence: Well at first I was Erping but they told me to stop i stopped then we were talking on how if the mayor is corrupt we kinda have to roleplay like we as too. Even tho there was no reports of us doing we still got in trouble and their adding Erp and not taking sit seriously so i could have a longer ban then false corruption staff disrespect how did i do that its really funny because before you get banned they suppost to tell you why you getting banned but not at this case they just banned us. they said we will get blacklisted from secret agency but they never said we getting banned. Their trying to make shit out so we would have longer ban time even 3days are way too harh for this bullshittery. If these admins keep doing this i don't see people coming back unless they actually understand why they got a ban but right at this moment this confuses me on why i got a ban and not a blacklist which they said they will. To be honest i respected them when they stop saying * i was jerking off i couldn't have rescued mayor from prison* they told me to stop and i did then when they started talking while i was talking i respectfully stopped even tho i was speaking they kind of disrespected me but well they think since they admins they have the power to do it so i didn't say nothing. so please do explain why i got banned.
Additional members involved/witnessing: