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Dashing Python

Monolith Newcomer
Jul 27, 2018


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: Dashing Python
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14053442
Your Character Name: Leon Corcelli

Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Hazza

Ban Reason: LTAP | RDM | Job Abuse
Time of Occurrence: Around 7 PM, GMT
Relevant Evidence: I don't believe I committed any of the offenses listed above. I make an effort to follow all rules listed on the server and frequently revise them. I would very much like to hear from Hazza regarding the ban as this came as a complete surprise.
Additional members involved/witnessing:
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Deleted member 902

Logs showed very clearly that you became SS killed someone then left the server when they shot back.

Logs dont lie.

Dashing Python

Monolith Newcomer
Jul 27, 2018


Years of Mono

Logs showed very clearly that you became SS killed someone then left the server when they shot back.

Logs dont lie.

Hi Hazza and thank you for the reply.

I believe I now know the situation those logs are referring to. I'll provide my recollection of events below.

Yesterday, I shot and killed one individual as SS. I had been SS for quite some time before shooting him. I'm not sure exactly for how long but my best guess would be more than 20 minutes. I was by the mayor's side for most of that time, in the town hall and outside, for the most part only with one other SS agent. At the time of the incident, there were 3-4 SS agents on, and I had left the mayor with two of the SS agents in his office. I was patrolling on the 3rd and 4th floor of town hall to secure the area.
At one point, I had to go AFK for a minute to deal with personal matters, and did so in the corner of the staircase by the elevator. I let another SS agent who was with me at the time know I would be away for a minute. When I returned, I saw a group of armed individuals moving up the staircase, some of which were equipped with assault rifles.
I pursued them into the mayor's office, where I saw a dead body right outside of the mayor's office. As I entered the mayor's office right after the the armed individuals, they were about to train their guns on the mayor. I made a split second decision to open fire on one that was carrying an assault rifle (as I was then thoroughly convinced they were threatening his life), prompting a response from him and two others to shoot and kill me, but not before I had killed the one I fired upon. After that incident, I respawned and waited a few minutes in order to see if the mayor had been assassinated. I then saw the server notification that the mayor's position was open and therefore assumed he had been killed. I then left the server after that.

I apologize for the lengthy statement but I don't want to leave any pertinent details out of it. It was not my intent to leave any loose ends in this situation. Had I been aware of admin intervention, I most certainly would not have left the server until the situation had been handled.
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Deleted member 902

Hi Python,

Okay thank you for your statement, I will unban you.
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