Steam Name: InSaNe TriCkShOts
Your SteamID: 922823538
Your Character Name: Tyrone Tipp
Which Staff blacklisted you: Micheal
What were you blacklisted from: driving vehicles
Blacklist Reason:killed somone
Unblacklist Reason: I'm really sorry and I realized what I did was wrong it was my first offense in VDM and i apologize for it happening I was wondering if I could get it removed cause I just got enough money to buy a car if u can consider this it would be great thank you it was my first and ill make sure its my last
Time of Occurrence:yesterday
Additional members involved/witnessing:micheal
Steam Name: InSaNe TriCkShOts
Your SteamID: 922823538
Your Character Name: Tyrone Tipp
Which Staff blacklisted you: Micheal
What were you blacklisted from: driving vehicles
Blacklist Reason:killed somone
Unblacklist Reason: I'm really sorry and I realized what I did was wrong it was my first offense in VDM and i apologize for it happening I was wondering if I could get it removed cause I just got enough money to buy a car if u can consider this it would be great thank you it was my first and ill make sure its my last
Time of Occurrence:yesterday
Additional members involved/witnessing:micheal