Staff Report Format
Your Steam Name: Haku
Your Steam ID: 76561198255329293
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Shay Cass
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Aziel
Reason for Report: Completly ruining rp and messing up bank raid
Time of Occurrence: December 26, 2022, 6:42:06 PM around tihs time cst
Evidence to support your claim: my friend has the clip i will have to get it from him.
From what i have seen from past experiences is that what staff would do when criminals locked themselves in the bank vault is nothing because the cops have a way to open the bank vault which is through chief and even when there isnt a chief on the cops would just wait outside and even in the rules it says
Additional members involved/witnessing: @Alx @Trejo @KyZac21 @Bubba Dice @LostBlackKid @lostBlackKidTM