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Monolith Senior
Mar 9, 2018


Years of Mono

Steam Name:uwu
Your SteamID32(STEAM_0:1:124275157):
Your Character Name: Josephi Krakawski

Ban Length: 1 month and 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@MUDJUG ):

Ban Reason: Mass vdm Admitted to NITRP
Unban Reason: I dont remember much of the back story, but I was vibing in layer 2 with the mayor and other ss, the ss went flying out of the car and died a little up hill, and we were heading back down to layer 2, I was going like 40mph in layer 2 when I turned the corner to hit 3 people on the road. I hit them all, but only 1 died. They were all at a angle which I never saw. You can see right after that I stopped the car. I dont see this as mass vdm, I have been vdmed multiple times when I was on the road with more than 100k coke on me, and it was all valid because I was on the road. I also said I was bored. As you see in the video I never saw them when turning the corner and I was not fail driving.
p.s I was NOT laughing in a menacing way.
Time of Occurrence:2.1 weeks ago?
Additional members involved/witnessing: Ja was 1 of the people that I hit that lived.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules? Yes
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Monolith Senior
Jan 22, 2019


Years of Mono

Okay @uwu here we go,

I received a report from the old mayor about his fail driving SS that rammed a tree purposely leading to his death. When I came to him, he was dead AGAIN. I checked logs and realized YOU were the SS that was driving. When I appeared, the only thing you did is start yelling "Im not involved" while running around. When I pulled you into the conversation, I asked if you were the one that killed him the 2nd time and threw his body into the door, which you admitted. Then I started the questioning of the fail driving which you denied at first then admitted to. Okay, fine. Shit happens, I get it. But here is where we run into the issue here:

I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. When I asked why, you told me "because I am bored of the server and am losing interest." or similar to that effect. I asked if you would do it again, hoping to hear a no so I could send you away with maybe a blacklist, but you know what you told me? "I dunno. Depends how I am feeling." That right a staff member, why in gods green earth would I accept the appeal and allow you back with the knowledge that you might destroy other players RP depending on how you are feeling that day.

Im sorry uwu, but I do not feel comfortable accepting this appeal. Its not the act, but moreso the attitude and what you told me in the sit. I tried to cut you ANOTHER break, as I have MANY MANY times before. But instead you decided to say what you did then make a goodbye thread.

I am going to give you 24 hours to reply to this in a way that changes my mind, with SINCERITY. If you can convince me you wont just go massVDM or something simply because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I will allow you another chance to be a part of Monolith again.


Monolith Senior
Mar 9, 2018


Years of Mono

I actually never admitted to throwing his body into the door after tasing him for assault. I was in chase of the dude who did it after he ran into his while I tried arresting him. I MAY have video of that. I have no idea why I said the stupid things I said in the sit, my day was going amazing. I had just finished 200k worth of titanium, I had got to coke, I had make a bunch of coke, and memes around with my friends. My day was bad around the end. In around 30 minutes I have no clue how, I caused a bunch of problems. I honestly never wanted to do harm to the players of monolith by causing havoc through mass vdm or anything like that. I have done alot of stupid things in my time, but I try my best to not inflict pain on other players. I am really sorry for killing them. I never had intentions on doing so. I never saw them around the corner, as you can see in the video I slowed down around that turn, but I was not able to stop the car from hitting them. I in full honesty never saw them turning the corner. I may have video of the sit, I dont recall saying I dunno, depends on how I am feeling, but its been weeks so I dont remember much from that dark night. It was really stupid of me to act idiotic in the sit, If I have video, I will send it to you through discord.

EDIT: Video was sent through discord.
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Monolith Senior
Jan 22, 2019


Years of Mono

This is your last chance from me, but I am going to welcome you back. Please, if you feel yourself slipping into bad moods or actions, just take a break and come back. I really dont like punishing you at all, and I would really enjoying not having to do so anymore.
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