We hope to see you online soon!
Get you're bank up then feel free to re-apply denied as of now.In game Name : Andrew Wright
Age: 14 and 3/4
Player Level : like 120
Skill level (Screenshot pref): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....735/CADCC4FC3275F66836F428C62DB859DE3AC8931F/
Bank Account or valuables (Screenshot pref): poor af I got no stuff I farm and make lsd for guns. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....270/6771520B8F0E69AA9F7E2F2F6822F8D434B896AC/
Why do you want to join: Ace of diamonds ded mafia kinda and Ace of diamonds owner jack joined backwood so I'm coming to.
We hope to see you online soon!