Your Steam Name: its ya boi troy
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:146317959
Your Character Name: Danny Tant
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @zeffa
Ban Reason: Breaking Fear rp | RDM
Time of Occurrence: 12:40 am pst
Relevant Evidence:
In my last appeal zeffa says that. In real life you can zip tie while holding a gun. Yes, if you got 3 hands... I'd pay you $10,000 right now if you can tie my hands together with a zip tie while holding a gun. It's impossible or at least not stable at all. He was ziptieing me and hypothetically I pushed my hands out of the way( hence while there is a tieing loading bar...) which gave me time to grab my gun before he grabbed his. And a 3 day ban for "breaking fear rp" is a little too much, don't you think. I'd also like to request another admin to handle the ban appeal, as that's how it should be on every appeal, considering they always lean towards there first thought.
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:146317959
Your Character Name: Danny Tant
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @zeffa
Ban Reason: Breaking Fear rp | RDM
Time of Occurrence: 12:40 am pst
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: