Your Steam Name:Mrs-Brown
Your Steam ID:76561198055567477
Your Character Name:Aidan Duval
Ban Length: didnt say
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Gamz
Ban Reason:Staff abuse. buddy literally let me get arrested for 30 minutes for walking into the bank while the cop was talking shit and saying he was gonna kill me/jail me for 30 mins n the admin didnt give a fuck about anything besides me talking shit then came to my cell and proceeded to be a smart ass and rude but when i show attitude back i get banned Lmfao
Time of Occurrence: 3 am
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Your Steam ID:76561198055567477
Your Character Name:Aidan Duval
Ban Length: didnt say
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Gamz
Ban Reason:Staff abuse. buddy literally let me get arrested for 30 minutes for walking into the bank while the cop was talking shit and saying he was gonna kill me/jail me for 30 mins n the admin didnt give a fuck about anything besides me talking shit then came to my cell and proceeded to be a smart ass and rude but when i show attitude back i get banned Lmfao
Time of Occurrence: 3 am
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: