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Heisen Burg

Monolith Rookie
Apr 30, 2019


Years of Mono

Steam Name: Heartless
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561198194359686
Your Character Name: Heisen Burg

Ban Length: 2 Days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): friskiemar^

Ban Reason: missuse of report system, missuse of ooc
Unban Reason: It say's warned multiple times on the ban page, I wasn't warned mutliple times. Im not sure how he warned me. I was trying to make a report on a Secret Service agent who called me the N word, and someone claimed my report they teleported to me and I did @admin and the report had disappeared. I wasnt trying to disrespect staff or anyone but I asked in ooc how do you make a report on a staff member. And friskiemar^ had replied something saying do you even read your reports, and then I had replied saying I was trying to make a report on someone for calling me N word and you ignored it. I then was blacklisted from OOC and I had made a report asking I know that I am blacklisted from OOC, how long would I be blacklisted for? The report ticket was not dealt with. Then I decided to just move on from the situation then while Im in bank I just get banned without being put in an Admin sit or receiving any type of warning. I just believe the way this was dealt was very unfair and unprofessional. I was just trying to make a report for someone calling me the N word, and I get blacklisted from OOC and banned for two for something thats very unfair. Im already staying home and quarantining like all of us im sure, but no need to ban me that long without even being able to have a discussion with me or bring me up to a private place so we can talk. This was very unfair, and I'd like to be unbanned so I can continue playing the server. Friskiemar^ if you found anything to be disrespectful, I apologize but I was trying to make a report on someone who called me the N word and I felt hat it didnt get dealt with properly. i was not trying to abuse or misuse the report system or OOC. Thanks!

Time of Occurrence: April 2nd, 2020. I dont have exact time
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes

Heisen Burg

Monolith Rookie
Apr 30, 2019


Years of Mono

Also, when you had spawned into me at the police station when I was cuffed thats when I had physically told you, that he called me the N word and thats why I punched him. I was trying to have you bring me up to an admin sit so I could show you, I wasnt trying to be annoying or tried lying to you. Hope we are good now I do apologize If you felt that I annoyed you or didnt handle it correctly. I didnt care about getting proccesed, he had already told me id be in for 2 minutes so I didnt care I was just trying to get the guy for calling me N word. My bad bro it was my fault for not handling it properly but Im hoping if you can appeal my ban or reduce it. This wont happen again, and for some reason it wasnt showing me your messages about "stop yammering" and the other warnings. I truly did not see them. Thanks for your time Friskiemar^ i hope you can take my appeal into consideration.


Monolith Specialist
Nov 28, 2018


Years of Mono

I will unban you. Give the staff member taking your ticket a chance. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they can't see you.
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