Steam Name: haze0
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from [U:1:160840334]
Your Character Name: Jack Will
Ban Length: Unknown
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Automatic ban
Ban Reason: Left while restrained
Unban Reason: I was falsely cuffed by a minger, who then left the situation after I was cuffed and left me walking around cuffed. I made a staff report, and waited for 15 minutes. At this point I was running to the hospital to get help, and a cop ran up to me, instantly searched me and began dragging me into the PD to arrest me and take my gun. I waited for staff to grab my ticket for at least 15-20 minutes at this point, and knew the cop was in the wrong and said no to every request I made to wait for staff. I then left the server because the person had no intention of seeing if what I said was true, and just wanted to arrest me as fast as possible and take my gun. I think I am justified, but I will not do it again if unbanned. Not sure how I am expected to provide proof when to prove it I would need all the way from the beginning of the interaction and then 15 minutes through waiting for staff and then the end event that happened. Impossible unless I was filming my whole gameplay.
Time of Occurrence: ~ 8:10 PM EST
Additional members involved/witnessing: There were some people that saw me running around in the 15 minutes I was stuck in cuffs, and someone who saw the cop just run up and search and drag me. But I do not remember their names.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: YEs
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from [U:1:160840334]
Your Character Name: Jack Will
Ban Length: Unknown
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Automatic ban
Ban Reason: Left while restrained
Unban Reason: I was falsely cuffed by a minger, who then left the situation after I was cuffed and left me walking around cuffed. I made a staff report, and waited for 15 minutes. At this point I was running to the hospital to get help, and a cop ran up to me, instantly searched me and began dragging me into the PD to arrest me and take my gun. I waited for staff to grab my ticket for at least 15-20 minutes at this point, and knew the cop was in the wrong and said no to every request I made to wait for staff. I then left the server because the person had no intention of seeing if what I said was true, and just wanted to arrest me as fast as possible and take my gun. I think I am justified, but I will not do it again if unbanned. Not sure how I am expected to provide proof when to prove it I would need all the way from the beginning of the interaction and then 15 minutes through waiting for staff and then the end event that happened. Impossible unless I was filming my whole gameplay.
Time of Occurrence: ~ 8:10 PM EST
Additional members involved/witnessing: There were some people that saw me running around in the 15 minutes I was stuck in cuffs, and someone who saw the cop just run up and search and drag me. But I do not remember their names.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: YEs
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