Steam name : Lil Luck
steam id:76561198133843064
character namerake Vert
ban length:3 days
Dont know who banned me
reason: disconnected
Occurance : today
I know what i did was wrong but i was exceptionally new to the game and got scared due to it being my first darkrp server.I understand what i did wrong due to me reading the rules multiple times and reviewing what i had done i guarantee you this problem will happen again, i absolutely love the server its the only one i actually play one. I understand it was very unproffesional and inmature move i will not make this mistake again sorry for the incovienenced i may have caused anyone.
my sincierest apologies
steam id:76561198133843064
character namerake Vert
ban length:3 days
Dont know who banned me
reason: disconnected
Occurance : today
I know what i did was wrong but i was exceptionally new to the game and got scared due to it being my first darkrp server.I understand what i did wrong due to me reading the rules multiple times and reviewing what i had done i guarantee you this problem will happen again, i absolutely love the server its the only one i actually play one. I understand it was very unproffesional and inmature move i will not make this mistake again sorry for the incovienenced i may have caused anyone.
my sincierest apologies