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Kay Swisha

Monolith Pleb
Aug 8, 2017


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: : LIQS -iwnl
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:69010199
Your Character Name: Kay Swisha

Ban Length: 2 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @ChosenDemon

Ban Reason: For failrp
Time of Occurrence:9:40 pm 9/2
Relevant Evidence: So what happened was I was in bank vault waiting for the cooldown to be over so I could rob it. and then some other people came in there and were raiding it so I waited for the cooldown and was trying to get out and they killed me then I get called to the sit. Which was completely pointless because nobody could hear anything with all the dumbasses screaming in their mic and backseat administrating. I figured that I could just wait for the cooldown and take it and sit in the vault wait for the timer and lockpick back out. In my opinion, it is sorta RP because in real life if you snuck inside of a bank you could sneak out without anyone even knowing. But the problem is, is that the banning admin did not even try to hear what I had to say about he just listened to what the people who were screaming in there mics. But I know that what I did is against the rules but for something as minor as that I don't think 2 days was an appropriate time. Considering I have had people Rdm and disconnect and only been banned for 1 day. But that is beside the point, what I am asking for is for this ban to be shortened because 2 days is the whole rest of my weekend and I play monolith pretty much all the time. and think for something little like this little "bump up" should not have resulted in 2 days. It would be greatly appreciated if the ban could be shortened or I could be unbanned because like I said the admin did not even hear what I had to say, nor did we try to discuss or work something out. For an example I coulda just gave them what they would've gotten from the robbery
Additional members involved/witnessing:


Jun 21, 2017


Years of Mono

The problem with what you did was that you were interfering with another group who was robbing the bank. They were the ones that had to fight off the cops and you allegedly sat in the vault and stole the bank robber slot. Then after getting the bank robber slot, you proceeded to run out of the vault and try to exit the bank. Which you cannot do since that ends the robbery and locks it for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Also, there used to be a bug before the last update that would let you get tagged as a robber and just leave the bank and still get the money; this is what it looked like you were doing from my view.
In addition, you did not have any sort of weapon on you while doing the robbery which is failRP on its own since the police department gets a notification any time a robbery starts.
You trying to rob the bank without a weapon and preventing the other group who was properly robbing the bank from being able to do so is why I banned you.

"But the problem is, is that the banning admin did not even try to hear what I had to say about he just listened to what the people who were screaming in their mics"
I did listen to what you were saying; however, I asked you twice to provide evidence that you were sitting in the vault and you did not do so.​
"It would be greatly appreciated if the ban could be shortened or I could be unbanned because like I said the admin did not even hear what I had to say, nor did we try to discuss or work something out. For an example I coulda just gave them what they would've gotten from the robbery"
In this case there was nothing you could have done to compsenate the group doing the bank robbery. Since you ran out of the vault after triggering the robbery, that caused the robbery to fail and the timer was reset to 1 hour and 40 minutes. In additon, from the amount of supplies the robbers had to waste on the robbery you would have had to give them around 50k recompensation for all the kevlar, medkits, ammo, and guns they used.​

I would have banned you for 3 days based on your past record; however, the robbery was annulled before any of the robbers died and the police didn't lose anything, so the ban length was shortened to 2 days.
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Kay Swisha

Monolith Pleb
Aug 8, 2017


Years of Mono

The problem with what you did was that you were interfering with another group who was robbing the bank. They were the ones that had to fight off the cops and you allegedly sat in the vault and stole the bank robber slot. Then after getting the bank robber slot, you proceeded to run out of the vault and try to exit the bank. Which you cannot do since that ends the robbery and locks it for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Also, there used to be a bug before the last update that would let you get tagged as a robber and just leave the bank and still get the money; this is what it looked like you were doing from my view.
In addition, you did not have any sort of weapon on you while doing the robbery which is failRP on its own since the police department gets a notification any time a robbery starts.
You trying to rob the bank without a weapon and preventing the other group who was properly robbing the bank from being able to do so is why I banned you.

"But the problem is, is that the banning admin did not even try to hear what I had to say about he just listened to what the people who were screaming in their mics"
I did listen to what you were saying; however, I asked you twice to provide evidence that you were sitting in the vault and you did not do so.​
"It would be greatly appreciated if the ban could be shortened or I could be unbanned because like I said the admin did not even hear what I had to say, nor did we try to discuss or work something out. For an example I coulda just gave them what they would've gotten from the robbery"
In this case there was nothing you could have done to compsenate the group doing the bank robbery. Since you ran out of the vault after triggering the robbery, that caused the robbery to fail and the timer was reset to 1 hour and 40 minutes. In additon, from the amount of supplies the robbers had to waste on the robbery you would have had to give them around 50k recompensation for all the kevlar, medkits, ammo, and guns they used.​

I would have banned you for 3 days based on your past record; however, the robbery was annulled before any of the robbers died and the police didn't lose anything, so the ban length was shortened to 2 days.
But like I said I coulda just paid the robbers back. and there is no way for me to record and upload and hour long video. The evidence I had was when I was being accused of nlr.

Kay Swisha

Monolith Pleb
Aug 8, 2017


Years of Mono

@ChosenDemon I could've given them 50 k back. and I was sitting in the vault way before they got there then I hit the money stack a stayed and hid for a minute and then I was found. I was waiting for the timer to be up before I ran out but the found me. and for fail 2 days is just not a good time because I have reported people with video evidence of people and they have only got warning points. All I was asking for was for the ban to be shortened to 1 day so I could play tonight. Also like I said before I could have given them 50 to 55k if I could just been warned or got like a 12-hour ban or something. But even at that, I would still like my ban to be shortened so I can play because I just think 2 days is unnecessary for failrp. If you would like I could still pay them back for the robbery. If I could get my ban shortend to where I can play tonight.

Kay Swisha

Monolith Pleb
Aug 8, 2017


Years of Mono

Also there was a guy backseat administrating and they did not even receive warning points for what they did.


Jun 21, 2017


Years of Mono

1) That screen shot does not prove you were in the vault before the other group and you were still robbing the bank without a gun.
2) The problem is with you ruining the roleplay of others, not the compensation.

Appeal: DENIED
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