Your Steam Name:battlefield1923
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name:Ismail Chaudhry
Ban Length:1 Week
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):@Kweezee
Ban Reasonisscontecting in sit and shooting class member
Time of Occurrence:I dont know
Relevant Evidence:N/A
Additional members involved/witnessing:N/A
So i called a staff member an hour before the incident happend So i was a bank security and this other guy i went in vauly he tried to taze me for no reson and i shot him then the staff came and he said he shot me for no reason and i said he was tzing me and the person lied and i tolled the staff member he is lieng but he wouldent listen so i goy pissed and i just left so like ya.......
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name:Ismail Chaudhry
Ban Length:1 Week
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):@Kweezee
Ban Reasonisscontecting in sit and shooting class member
Time of Occurrence:I dont know
Relevant Evidence:N/A
Additional members involved/witnessing:N/A
So i called a staff member an hour before the incident happend So i was a bank security and this other guy i went in vauly he tried to taze me for no reson and i shot him then the staff came and he said he shot me for no reason and i said he was tzing me and the person lied and i tolled the staff member he is lieng but he wouldent listen so i goy pissed and i just left so like ya.......