Steam name: Mango
Steam ID:
Your Character name: Franklin Cuar
Ban Length: 24 hours
Banning Staff Member: Chrome
Ban Reason: Disrespecting a admin
Time of Occurance: 6:17 pm Central standard time
Relevant evidence:
Ok so i was just doing my job as a "secret service" to serve and protect. And i was doing my job i handcuff a admin i dont know his name i was banned so quick not knowing what happen nor was dicuss with me for a fair reasoning. He demotes me.... "Ok why was i demoted" and the admin rudely said to me " because you dont have a single braincell you should know im a admin" i didnt know he was a admin he didnt have staff on duty nor did he have anything to show that he was a admin besides teleporting around while im protecting the mayor. I guess my response was a little to harsh for chrome because he bans me after i call him a prick for demoting me and saying i dont have a brain cell????? I guess that just normal for me to get disrepected and get banned for saying something back @Chrome. 24 hours is a bit to harsh i enjoy playing on this server and i dont even get a warning or a dicussion with someone im just instantly banned..... Its awesome that we cant deal with something civilzed and how the real world work instead of getting locked up in emotion and banning me without proper cause.
Steam ID:
Your Character name: Franklin Cuar
Ban Length: 24 hours
Banning Staff Member: Chrome
Ban Reason: Disrespecting a admin
Time of Occurance: 6:17 pm Central standard time
Relevant evidence:
Ok so i was just doing my job as a "secret service" to serve and protect. And i was doing my job i handcuff a admin i dont know his name i was banned so quick not knowing what happen nor was dicuss with me for a fair reasoning. He demotes me.... "Ok why was i demoted" and the admin rudely said to me " because you dont have a single braincell you should know im a admin" i didnt know he was a admin he didnt have staff on duty nor did he have anything to show that he was a admin besides teleporting around while im protecting the mayor. I guess my response was a little to harsh for chrome because he bans me after i call him a prick for demoting me and saying i dont have a brain cell????? I guess that just normal for me to get disrepected and get banned for saying something back @Chrome. 24 hours is a bit to harsh i enjoy playing on this server and i dont even get a warning or a dicussion with someone im just instantly banned..... Its awesome that we cant deal with something civilzed and how the real world work instead of getting locked up in emotion and banning me without proper cause.