Your Steam Name: Boshua BIckson
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name: Boshua Bickson
Ban Length: 10 hours i think
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): the console
Ban Reason: afk and too many warning points
Time of Occurrence: middle of day
Relevant Evidence:none
Additional members involved/witnessing: Kyrie James
i was banned by the console because i had too many warning points because i was afk using the bathroom and i got warning points from that can someone please help me
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name: Boshua Bickson
Ban Length: 10 hours i think
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): the console
Ban Reason: afk and too many warning points
Time of Occurrence: middle of day
Relevant Evidence:none
Additional members involved/witnessing: Kyrie James
i was banned by the console because i had too many warning points because i was afk using the bathroom and i got warning points from that can someone please help me