Your Steam Name:smurf
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name callen smith
Ban Length:1 week
Admin who banned you: meat grinder
Ban Reason: disconect to avoid rp
Time of Occurrence: 7/4/17
Relevant Evidence:i was wrongfully banned just because my steam name was smurf does not mean i was the same person you were looking for and you banned me so i would please like to be unbanned because i was not the correct person who needed to be banned
Additional members involved/witnessing:cloud i was with him in messa apts the entire time.
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name callen smith
Ban Length:1 week
Admin who banned you: meat grinder
Ban Reason: disconect to avoid rp
Time of Occurrence: 7/4/17
Relevant Evidence:i was wrongfully banned just because my steam name was smurf does not mean i was the same person you were looking for and you banned me so i would please like to be unbanned because i was not the correct person who needed to be banned
Additional members involved/witnessing:cloud i was with him in messa apts the entire time.