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Jun 28, 2019


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: Loki
Your SteamID: 76561198158021552
Your Character Name: Tye shaw

Which Staff blacklisted you: @Backflare
What were you blacklisted from: Weapons

Blacklist Length: 10 days
Blacklist Reason: Cop bait,
Unblacklist Reason: This cop was chasing me earlier and he pulled back up to me so i slashed one of his tires, he then got out the car to try and tase me, i stood still and then some person who is not in my org, who is not on my freq, who is not affiliated with me in any shape or forum decided to rdm the cop when i was just sitting speaking to him. How is this my fault backflare, you told me you would go punish the person who RDMED but after speaking to him you didnt. The dude didnt have KOS on the cop even if i didnt slash his tires, he rdmed someone and i get the 10 day blacklist and a 3 day ban, I slashed a dudes tires this is so excessive. Idg the argument of i caused it when i didnt, i never asked the person to kill the cop or even spoke to him, the dude just shot the cop randomly, can you explain this or just actually read what im saying, this doesnt make sense, I apologise for slashing the tire that was my fault, but pinning the fight that happened on me just doesnt make sense, can you reply to this without locking it so i can actually have a conversation about it, i really dont think you are understanding if you didnt punish the dude for RDM since it was, he wasnt affiliated with me. My bad for getting annoyed in the sit but it was because this seems insane to me. If you want to explain on discord and just wanna lock it when u respond please do, id appreciate some clarity here, my discord is below.
Time of Occurrence: 17.57 today bst
Additional members involved/witnessing: Nope
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: Yes


Monolith Senior
Jul 11, 2018


Years of Mono

Hello Tye, Let me start off by saying the reason Towelie was not punished was because he claimed to of been on your radio frequency when this went down and I had no way to prove that wrong. Now lets bring up the events, It all started when the police officer stopped his car by the detective standing on the stairs near you I don't believe he even saw you due to the fact that you were not in view until about 2 seconds before you stabbed his tire then ran away and ran back to say it was a prank and stab another tire, Why exactly would you run away look if he was chasing and run back to stab another tire? Now I agree it wasn't 100% your fault that it turned out that way however you have to understand that baiting cops for your own enjoyment is not acceptable and you had just been punished for the exact same offense 4 days prior. If you break the same rule 4 days later how can I trust that a light punishment will leave a lasting effect hopefully deterring further cop baiting?


Jun 28, 2019


Years of Mono

Hello Tye, Let me start off by saying the reason Towelie was not punished was because he claimed to of been on your radio frequency when this went down and I had no way to prove that wrong
So since towelie claimed something it means that i get the blame for the situation? He wasnt on my radio freq. You could have asked us both what freq we were on separately and you could have brought him to the sit like i said. Even if i had video i cant prove what is on his screen. You also could have checked out freqs in the moment but too late for that now.,
If you break the same rule 4 days later how can I trust that a light punishment will leave a lasting effect hopefully deterring further cop baiting?
The verbal 4 days ago was a completely different situation, i stole a car near a police raid and then drove off, then came back and watched the raid, again i didnt have weapons on me or people on freq ready to kos, that situation like this one wasnt an attempt to force rp or fight cops. I didnt know i couldnt steal a car near a raid since ppl steal cars at bank raids and in public with cops around.

A super excessive punishment like this only drives people away and creates more tension/resentment in the community, im not saying i resent you or the staff team but really excessive punishments/excessive harshness doesnt do anything but create more tension/resentment. A lighter punishment creates respect and understanding, think back to whenever you were treated super harshly V treated lightly, people dont learn to stop doing stuff through being super harsh. Im not gonna cop bait in the future even if this gets denied or accepted, i dont deliberately try to cop bait this was a split second thing and it wasnt thought out and i didnt plan to do anything other then comply with the cop.
Why exactly would you run away look if he was chasing and run back to stab another tire? Now I agree it wasn't 100% your fault that it turned out that way however you have to understand that baiting cops for your own enjoyment is not acceptable and you had just been punished for the exact same offense 4 days prior.
If towelie didnt RDM the dude none of this would have happened which is why im saying none of this is on me, i cant prove he wasnt on my freq though so i get what u are saying i was on 152.21 he wasnt on it. This wasnt for my own enjoyment, i didnt have a big plan, i slashed his tire as a joke and then i was gonna speak to him or go to jail, im not saying that i shouldn't have been punished for this, i think i deserved a punishment but this is really excessive, i would even say a 1 day ban would be a lot. All im asking for is a bit of understanding, this blacklist length is insane for the rule broken, Towelie killed the guy randomly which started this. I had no control over that and since we werent associated, there is no way i could have expected that to happen.

Thx for the quick response and not for locking instantly, if you can do the same when you reply to this, that would be great.
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Monolith Senior
Jul 11, 2018


Years of Mono

Hello Tye, after sleeping on it for a day I have decided I will reduce the blacklist to 5 days starting today so by the time your ban expires 3 days will be left on your blacklist. I understand that the officer being shot was not your fault however I also do not believe your only intention was to "Talk or go to jail" from what I saw in the video you clearly put away your machete after stabbing the second tire and pulled it back out when the officer came at you with the taser, The officer clearly was not fine with the situation you forced him into for a "joke" that can be seen by his comment in OOC after the fact. Your blacklist will expire on the 4th next time you are on the server contact the staff online so they can reduce your blacklist. APPEAL PARTIALLY ACCEPTED.
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