Your Steam Name: oohhhhh nooooo
Your SteamID:
Your Character Name: Martin Viera
Which Staff blacklisted you: @Nuggie sorry I still love u
What were you blacklisted from: Weapons
Blacklist Length:2 days
Blacklist Reason: not giving enough time to put hands up
Unblacklist Reason: I have never received warning points for doing this in the past I only had a verbal that's over 2 weeks ago and to jump from a verbal to a blacklist I dont think is necessary as I can just take warning points. I always thought the punishments go from Verbal - Warning piont - blacklist - Ban with verbal being the lowest
Time of Occurrence: 12:30pm EST 7/29/23
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: yes
Your SteamID:
Your Character Name: Martin Viera
Which Staff blacklisted you: @Nuggie sorry I still love u
What were you blacklisted from: Weapons
Blacklist Length:2 days
Blacklist Reason: not giving enough time to put hands up
Unblacklist Reason: I have never received warning points for doing this in the past I only had a verbal that's over 2 weeks ago and to jump from a verbal to a blacklist I dont think is necessary as I can just take warning points. I always thought the punishments go from Verbal - Warning piont - blacklist - Ban with verbal being the lowest
Time of Occurrence: 12:30pm EST 7/29/23
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: yes