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Ravioli Boyardie

Monolith Newcomer
Nov 16, 2017


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: Ravioli Boyardee
Your Steam ID: 76561198054858513
Your Character Name: Arnolda Boyardee

Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Wynonna Earp (It says Wyn? I assume its this person)

Ban Reason: A single "RDM"
Time of Occurrence: Yesterday
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: Vincent roosebelt

I'm going to sum it up like this, but if you want to read the full thing, please do.
I got banned for 3 days for a single rdm with a roleplay reason behind it, and I had no sit or anything, I just got banned behind me back overnight. I think it's way too much and I'd like to be unbanned. If you disagree, please read the whole thing then.

There was no admin sit, or anything like that, I was just simply banned. For three days. Not giving any warning, or any number of warnings, just banned. I've been vdm'ed by someone who did mass vdm(3-4 people dead because of him) and he got a verbal warning. I "rdmed" one person and I get banned for three days without any warning? That seems like way too much.

First of all, here's what I think happened, and I say I think, because I'm not even sure what I'm getting banned for. RDM is such a vague and subjective term. If you kill someone after they mug you some admins call that rdm. If you kill someone with a strong roleplay reason that's also sometimes called rdm. Any time you kill someone it can be called rdm from some perspective, so next time I'd appreciate a better description so I can know what I got banned for. Here's what I think happened, because I'm not even sure if this is what I'm getting banned for.

And before I get to that, I'd appreciate if I was brought into a sit before I was banned. I'd appreciate actually being able to give a say in whatever I'm being punished for. A few days ago I was about to be banned for something that wasn't in the rules, so I told them "Hey, that's actually not in the rules, I'd like to speak to an admin" and he said "Fine, but the admin is just going to say the same thing I did." Turns out, the admin did not say what he did at all. Turns out I was right and it said clearly in the rules that what I did was completely legal. (Not going to say who this mod is, because besides that he's a pretty chill dude, and I have no hard feelings towards him at all, but if you want proof that this happened, I have a recording.)

So long story short, if you're going to punish someone, please bring them into a sit so they can say their part, because believe it or not, any time there's a situation like this, there's two sides to every story. You have to give them a chance to defend themselves and say what they saw and the reasoning behind it. Banning them for 3 days with no sit and no real description of what they did is not helpful, and not to mention, extremely harsh punishment for a minuscule "crime".

Now that that has been said, let's get into what I think has happened. I was given a 500-1000$ ticket, for walking into the police department to say something to a cop (I think I was reporting a crime or something like that), and vincent, immediately handcuffs me, and drags me out, and gives me a huge ticket.

So I angrily walk back in and say, "Seriously dude?" And then I pull out a gun and begin firing; And he and another sergeant fires back. I obviously die since I'm using a makarov, but vincent also gets knocked out and is immediately revived by a medic who was also trespassing and was there the whole time (but wow, no ticket for him). I'm revived and put in jail for 25 minutes.

Thoughts? Well, fair, after checking the rules, that's probably not allowed. But unless you memorized the rules, you'd think that's a fair rp reason for a gunfight. Also, not to mention, I thought it was allowed since as a cadet, when I'd give tickets to people, 3/5 times I'd be run over or just straight up shot in the head until I was deceased. Never, not once, have any of them been punished. Most of the mods or admins said that was allowed, but some of them got "verbal warnings."

So with that in mind, me getting a 3-day ban is absolutely crazy. People who commit mass vdm, with consequences like people losing their guns or paying thousands of dollars in medical bills after being deceased only get a verbal warning, while me killing one dude who gets revived immediately and has no repercussions, and I go to jail and serve 25 minutes, but I get a 3-day ban; Doesn't make any sense.

Thank you.


Monolith Pleb
Oct 22, 2017


Years of Mono

IIRC, you had already DC'd by the time we got to the report, making it impossible to bring you into a sit. What I did have was confirmation from @HiddenBush that he had witnessed you pull out a gun and shoot an officer for giving you a ticket, without a valid RP reason (as is stated in the rules, getting a ticket is not a valid reason to kill a cop).

I do apologize that the ban reason was rather vague, and if you were online, I would have brought you into a sit. I still consider the logs showing you attacking the cop immediately after getting the ticket and testimony from another moderater to be sufficient evidence for a ban, but I'll discuss the situation with the staff.

Ravioli Boyardie

Monolith Newcomer
Nov 16, 2017


Years of Mono

IIRC, you had already DC'd by the time we got to the report, making it impossible to bring you into a sit. What I did have was confirmation from @HiddenBush that he had witnessed you pull out a gun and shoot an officer for giving you a ticket, without a valid RP reason (as is stated in the rules, getting a ticket is not a valid reason to kill a cop).

I do apologize that the ban reason was rather vague, and if you were online, I would have brought you into a sit. I still consider the logs showing you attacking the cop immediately after getting the ticket and testimony from another moderater to be sufficient evidence for a ban, but I'll discuss the situation with the staff.
I understand, but most admins I have been in sits with while the person was offline, even if I had video proof, we waited for the person to come online another time, or they had me submit a forum post for it. I was in jail for 25 minutes and it was late, so I hopped off for the night after waiting most of the time.

However, the main reason I'm writing this is not because what I did was right, I know now that it is wrong, it is that what I did is on a very grey line and unless you've read every single rule, you would not know which certain things are valid rp reasons. Again, certain admins and mods have told me that it is considered a valid rp reason, and let people go who had done the same thing to me. I know the rules contradicts them, but a 3-day ban is extremely harsh for something so abstract that even the staff misunderstand it.


Monolith Pleb
Oct 22, 2017


Years of Mono


There was sufficient evidence that you had killed him without a valid RP reason. Even if a sit had occurred, I would've made the same decision based on the available logs and testimony from another moderator. The ban will remain in effect.
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