In-Game name: Bryson Nelson
Steam name: Bryson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:127231856
Date and time of loss: Yesterday around 11 PM
What happened: crash
How much do you need refunded: 68 pots, 68 soil, 1,360 weed, about 2 stacks of wood planks from props, metal working, and also bodygroup were removed. (17k bodygroup)
Steam name: Bryson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:127231856
Date and time of loss: Yesterday around 11 PM
What happened: crash
How much do you need refunded: 68 pots, 68 soil, 1,360 weed, about 2 stacks of wood planks from props, metal working, and also bodygroup were removed. (17k bodygroup)