This has been going on for 2 weeks now, I only reported it in game and the admin told me to make a bug report but, was thinking that it would fix itself over time, it didn't. Pretty much it's what the title of this bug report says, I can't deposit anything, by that I mean when you click on the item on your side ( your inventory ) and click on the item the deposit tab doesn't pop up. I tried dragging the item I wanted to deposit also into the bank slots that I have empty, didn't work. I can withdraw stuff out of my bank but, I can't put it back into my bank so.... basically if I withdraw something I gotta keep it on me. Just hoping you can do something about this glitch since it's really effecting how I play now and I've been storing my items into the mono-market by that I mean I put the item in and sell it at a high price and cancel it when I need to use the item. Making this so I can see if you Developers can actually do something about this.
We hope to see you online soon!