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Executive Director
Executive Director
Forum Moderator
Jun 30, 2019


Years of Mono


Chain of Command of Monolith Servers
If you instead want to see our staff roster, you'll find it here!

*Areas of responsibility are not restricted to what is stated below

Community Management

Community Director
Areas of Responsibility: Strategy, coordination with the development team, leading the management team, legal, fundraising, and community governing.

Community Manager
Areas of Responsibility: Managing the community, assisting with the coordination with the development team, ensuring that all Server Directors are held accountable for their performance as well as assisting them when needed.
Answers to:
Community Directors

Server Director
Areas of Responsibility: Managing the server and assisting CMs in managing the community, managing staff members, holding team leaders accountable for their performance in order to ensure teams are operating efficiently, ensuring proper communication between Server Administration, Server Moderation, and Community Management.
Answers to: Community Manager+

Server Administration

Senior Administrator
Areas of Responsibility: Special responsibilities that are defined by Community Management (SD+), monitoring and reporting on server staff performance, ensuring proper communication between Server Administration, Server Moderation, and Community Management.
Answers to:
Server Director+

Areas of Responsibility:
Enforcing server rules, assisting in staff teams such as the Event Team, supporting players, overseeing the lower ranks.
Answers to:
Senior Administrator+

Server Moderation

Senior Moderator
Areas of Responsibility: Enforcement of rules, assisting community members, overseeing Moderators and Trial Moderators, and assisting in teams such as the Event Team.
Answers to:

Areas of Responsibility: Enforcement of rules, assisting community members, and assisting in teams such as the Event Team.
Answers to:
Senior Moderator+

Trial Moderator
Areas of Responsibility: 2+ weeks of enforcing the server rules and assisting community members.
Answers to:

Recruitment Team

Recruitment Team Leader
Areas of Responsibility: Assisting the Server Director(s) in server staff selection and recruitment, coordinating and managing the team.
Answers to: Server Director+

Recruitment Team Member
Areas of Responsibility: Assisting the Server Director(s) in server staff selection and recruitment.
Answers to: Recruitment Team Leader & Server Director+

Marketing Team

Marketing Team Leader

Areas of Responsibility: Coordinating and managing the team. Relations with streamers/YouTubers, arranging stream sessions and other opportunities for increased awareness and outreach.
Answers to: Server Director+

Marketing Team Member
Areas of Responsibility: Relations with streamers/YouTubers, arranging stream sessions and other opportunities for increased awareness and outreach.
Answers to:
Marketing Team Leader & Server Director+

Forum Moderation

Forum Moderator
Areas of Responsibility:
Assisting Community Management with moderator the community forums in order to ensure a friendly environment.
Answers to: Server Director+

Event Team

Event Team Leader
Areas of Responsibility: Coordinating and managing the team. Creation, approval, and selection of community and server events. Selection of members to the team.
Answers to: Server Director+

Event Team Member
Areas of Responsibility: Creation and suggestion of community and server events.
Answers to: Event Team Leader & Server Director+

Media Team

Media Team Leader

Areas of Responsibility: Coordination of media creation, monitoring, and selection of Media Creators alongside Community Management.
Answers to:
Server Director+

Media Team Member
Areas of Responsibility: Media creation.
Answers to:
Media Team Leader & Server Director+



Areas of Responsibility: Answering questions asked by community members, assisting new players.
Answers to:
Trial Moderator+

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