Your Steam Name:Horrendous Chyka
Your Steam ID:76561198119398963
Your Character Name (If Applicable):Tyro Snow
Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Code Monkey
Reason for Report:Attempted RDM,Cop Baiting,Counter raiding a cop raid.
Time of Occurrence:10:10-10:30 PM EST
Evidence to support your claim:I was at the outskirts prem locker just screwing around and trying to talk with Matthew, when Code Monkey equips an HK and mugs me. He ziptied me and found I had nothing and let me go. As he lets me back into my car a cop drives by, he then begins shooting at the cop with no reason, as posed 0 threat to him. He then ran down the street and gunned down 2 more SWAT Vans with 0 valid reason. (No Evidence of that but logs will prove)
About 15 minutes later, during a cop raid on Yellow Warehouse, he equips and begins shooting at and kills a SWAT memeber in the raid. Also firing on multiple other cops in the middle of a cop raid.
Rules Violated: 9. Law enforcement may only be harmed if they are a direct threat to you. Passing by officers, such as those obeying NLR, may not be harmed unless they initiate on you.
Your Steam ID:76561198119398963
Your Character Name (If Applicable):Tyro Snow
Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Code Monkey
Reason for Report:Attempted RDM,Cop Baiting,Counter raiding a cop raid.
Time of Occurrence:10:10-10:30 PM EST
Evidence to support your claim:I was at the outskirts prem locker just screwing around and trying to talk with Matthew, when Code Monkey equips an HK and mugs me. He ziptied me and found I had nothing and let me go. As he lets me back into my car a cop drives by, he then begins shooting at the cop with no reason, as posed 0 threat to him. He then ran down the street and gunned down 2 more SWAT Vans with 0 valid reason. (No Evidence of that but logs will prove)
About 15 minutes later, during a cop raid on Yellow Warehouse, he equips and begins shooting at and kills a SWAT memeber in the raid. Also firing on multiple other cops in the middle of a cop raid.
Rules Violated: 9. Law enforcement may only be harmed if they are a direct threat to you. Passing by officers, such as those obeying NLR, may not be harmed unless they initiate on you.
- Counter raids can only be performed on player owned buildings. You may not counter raid a government building or a player owned building which is currently being raided by police at the time. Law enforcement is exempt from this entire rule.
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