Steam Name: Chef Boyardee
SteamID: 76561199600124097
Your Character Name: Deebo Bodnar
Which punishment are you appealing? Discord Ban Appeal
Punishment Length: Permenant? I dont know to be honest
Involved Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): I dont know the staff member who banned me
Why should we remove your punishment?: I was new to the discord and did not know it won't happen again, I would like to be back for new updates to the server and information.
Time of Occurrence: September 8th at 9:30 PM
Additional members involved/witnessing: Brickwall i think Cooperpushes, bradly12 in discord
Do you have any evidence to support your case? I do not have any evidence
SteamID: 76561199600124097
Your Character Name: Deebo Bodnar
Which punishment are you appealing? Discord Ban Appeal
Punishment Length: Permenant? I dont know to be honest
Involved Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): I dont know the staff member who banned me
Why should we remove your punishment?: I was new to the discord and did not know it won't happen again, I would like to be back for new updates to the server and information.
Time of Occurrence: September 8th at 9:30 PM
Additional members involved/witnessing: Brickwall i think Cooperpushes, bradly12 in discord
Do you have any evidence to support your case? I do not have any evidence