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Monolith Rookie
Jan 13, 2018


Years of Mono

Steam Name: CrustyMuffin
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:1:460010947
Your Character Name: James Falcone

Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Afash

Ban Reason: LTAA
Unban Reason: I was being arrested for having an expired licence even though I was a police detective, and when I told the officer I only needed a career driving licence, someone on the radio responded with "arrest him anyway for being British", which in my opinion is the exact opposite of how people should be treated on the server, which is why I decided to leave to avoid that unfair and discriminative arrest, I have played this server for almost 4 years and I 100% understand that that is a rule break for me to do that, but I strongly believe that the police active at the traffic stop at the time were corrupt and were trying to arrest me due to where I am from. I was also pulled over a few minutes before that because an officer said on the radio that ran someone over in order to get me in trouble, which is also unfair and is the opposite of how I expect to be treated as an individual. I wish to be unbanned as that arrest was unfair on me, and I hope a situation like that never happens to anyone on the server again.

Time of Occurrence: 29/01/21 Around 1AM UK time
Additional members involved/witnessing: None
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes


Monolith Grinder
Feb 25, 2020


Years of Mono

Dear CrustyMuffin,

The police Commanding officers issued a warrant to arrest you for "Driving without a valid license + fleeing and eluding". The question is why you didn't communicate with them professionally to solve the misunderstanding that you are an undercover detective? you also could have talked to the Chief or Assistant Chief and solved that IC. However, you were trying to avoid any meetings of talks regarding your warrant, and all what you said is "I am a cop" which lead a Police Lieutenant to force you to go to PD for an investigation/questioning because you had a WARRANT on you.

Nevertheless, you leaving while being escorted to PD for questioning is against the rules which is considered as Leaving To Avoid Role Play (LTARP). in my opinion there was no discrimination and the arrest could have been solved IC. In case it was discrimination that lead to a RDA (which is not random in you case), then you should have reported it to staff instead of leaving.

To conclude, I will reduce your ban time to 12 hours instead of 24 hours, as I am sure that you are aware of the rule break and will not do it again.

Ban Appeal partially Accepted.

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