Your Steam Name:Horrendous Chyka
Your Steam ID:76561198119398963
Your Character Name:Tyro Snow
Ban Length:13 Hours
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Justin The Ungrateful
Ban Reason: Warning Point ban
Time of Occurrence:11:50 EST
Relevant Evidence: You can check my Record i had little to no previous warning points on my current record yet when i received one it WP banned me which is why i am asking to be unbanned i had been WP banned 3 weeks ago for a fail ad and had received no WP after that up until now so unless Justin Gave me 8 Warning Points i should not have been warning point banned
Additional members involved/witnessing: @RX55927R11DEZ
Your Steam ID:76561198119398963
Your Character Name:Tyro Snow
Ban Length:13 Hours
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Justin The Ungrateful
Ban Reason: Warning Point ban
Time of Occurrence:11:50 EST
Relevant Evidence: You can check my Record i had little to no previous warning points on my current record yet when i received one it WP banned me which is why i am asking to be unbanned i had been WP banned 3 weeks ago for a fail ad and had received no WP after that up until now so unless Justin Gave me 8 Warning Points i should not have been warning point banned
Additional members involved/witnessing: @RX55927R11DEZ