Your Steam Name: TheLoser27
Your Steam ID: 76561198417633635
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Rob Monster
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @friskiemar
Reason for Report: He blackelised me from physgun without any proof other than the blacklist was "pending" that was all he told me and left me alone and just gave me a 4 day phygun blacklist. Also a few minuets later when i asked why i was blacklisted he threatened to ban me for missuse of reports. I only asked 1 time for a reason then a second time that was asking for a more descriptive reason othe than "i already explained it to you"
Time of Occurrence: 1-11-20 about 12:00
Evidence to support your claim: and and https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....047/D3D4CECED0EA8C1C6890C7FBCE6C28DAAD88D5CC/ and https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....918/FAB061FD1B410C91EC11A93D30BEE2FC63966C5A/
Additional members involved/witnessing: None
Read, understood and followed staff report rules?: Yes
Your Steam ID: 76561198417633635
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Rob Monster
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @friskiemar
Reason for Report: He blackelised me from physgun without any proof other than the blacklist was "pending" that was all he told me and left me alone and just gave me a 4 day phygun blacklist. Also a few minuets later when i asked why i was blacklisted he threatened to ban me for missuse of reports. I only asked 1 time for a reason then a second time that was asking for a more descriptive reason othe than "i already explained it to you"
Time of Occurrence: 1-11-20 about 12:00
Evidence to support your claim: and and https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....047/D3D4CECED0EA8C1C6890C7FBCE6C28DAAD88D5CC/ and https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....918/FAB061FD1B410C91EC11A93D30BEE2FC63966C5A/
Additional members involved/witnessing: None
Read, understood and followed staff report rules?: Yes
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