Your Steam Name: 极AURORA光
Your SteamID:
Your Character Name: Shiheed Heawdas
Which Staff blacklisted you: Jacub
What were you blacklisted from: VDM
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: Because I hit Intentionally hit someone with my car
Unblacklist Reason: The vehicle didn't even kill him, I don't have a single ban. A dude intentionally killed me and admitted it yesterday but ended up with a warning, even with prior back experience. It like court the same wrong doing should be given the same punishment.
Time of Occurrence: Around 1pm 2021-05-23
Additional members involved/witnessing: dont know the dudes name
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: Yes
Your SteamID:
Your Character Name: Shiheed Heawdas
Which Staff blacklisted you: Jacub
What were you blacklisted from: VDM
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: Because I hit Intentionally hit someone with my car
Unblacklist Reason: The vehicle didn't even kill him, I don't have a single ban. A dude intentionally killed me and admitted it yesterday but ended up with a warning, even with prior back experience. It like court the same wrong doing should be given the same punishment.
Time of Occurrence: Around 1pm 2021-05-23
Additional members involved/witnessing: dont know the dudes name
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: Yes