Your Steam Name: H3nr7
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Henry aiden
Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) Hawke
Reason for Report: Me and my friend were in my car i was not driving no one was killed in the processes he chucked my car upon a roof left me their didn't even speak to me or my friend couldn't even tell who was driving just, he just banned me for 1month with no thought for "mass vdm" this has really pissed me of
Time of Occurrence: 8pm
Evidence to support your claim: no evidence the owner has dealt with it but im still going to make a complaint and knows what has gone on.
Additional members involved/witnessing: my friend was their at the time but he does not have a forums account but if really needed he can give evidence.
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Henry aiden
Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) Hawke
Reason for Report: Me and my friend were in my car i was not driving no one was killed in the processes he chucked my car upon a roof left me their didn't even speak to me or my friend couldn't even tell who was driving just, he just banned me for 1month with no thought for "mass vdm" this has really pissed me of
Time of Occurrence: 8pm
Evidence to support your claim: no evidence the owner has dealt with it but im still going to make a complaint and knows what has gone on.
Additional members involved/witnessing: my friend was their at the time but he does not have a forums account but if really needed he can give evidence.