Steam Name: Huntleysheep
Your SteamID32: 179378292
Your Character Name: Rick Sanchez
Ban Length: 1 month
Banning Staff Member: @Broken
Ban Reason: "staff harrasment"
Unban Reason: i dont know why you banned me. I went to join and found out i was banned. i would at least like to know why i was banned.
Time of Occurrence: last week
Your SteamID32: 179378292
Your Character Name: Rick Sanchez
Ban Length: 1 month
Banning Staff Member: @Broken
Ban Reason: "staff harrasment"
Unban Reason: i dont know why you banned me. I went to join and found out i was banned. i would at least like to know why i was banned.
Time of Occurrence: last week