In-Game name: Leeon Savage
Steam name: SweatForMyPing
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119855792
Date and time of loss: 15.07.2017 / 16:00
What happened: I selled my BMW M3 for only 36k and i thought i get like 80k
What do you need refunded: MY BMW M3 or another 36k
Evidence: U can ask Harry The Moderator
I selled my BMW M3 for only 36k and i thought i get like 80k from it but noooooooooooo i get only 36k from it and its worth 94k so my question is could u give me my golden mw3 back ? Or just give me a little bit of money ? I Mean on the message u get when u want to sell ur car stands no price.... and i thought i get arround 80kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
@White Blood
In-Game name: Leeon Savage
Steam name: SweatForMyPing
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119855792
Date and time of loss: 15.07.2017 / 16:00
What happened: I selled my BMW M3 for only 36k and i thought i get like 80k
What do you need refunded: MY BMW M3 or another 36k
Evidence: U can ask Harry The Moderator
I selled my BMW M3 for only 36k and i thought i get like 80k from it but noooooooooooo i get only 36k from it and its worth 94k so my question is could u give me my golden mw3 back ? Or just give me a little bit of money ? I Mean on the message u get when u want to sell ur car stands no price.... and i thought i get arround 80kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
@White Blood